Environments administration
Connect to an environment
ssh -i {PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME} interlink@{ENVIRONMENT}.interlink-project.eu
cd /datadrive/data/interlink-project
ENVIRONMENT = dev / demo / mef / zgz / varam
PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME: name of the file
Docker configuration
Default docker configuration stores data at /var/lib/docker/. There is no sufficient storage in the main storage system, so we need to change it to the external drive provided by FBK ( /datadrive/docker )
Stop docker daemon
sudo service docker stop
Add a configuration file to tell the docker daemon what is the location of the data
"data-root": "/path/to/your/docker"
Copy the current data directory to the new one (if there is data you want to preserve)
sudo rsync -aP /var/lib/docker/ /path/to/your/docker
Rename the old docker directory
sudo mv /var/lib/docker /var/lib/docker.old
This is just a sanity check to see that everything is ok and docker daemon will effectively use the new location for its data.
Restart docker daemon
sudo service docker start
Clear databases
Remove all containers that creates a connection to the databases you want to clear (coproduction, coproductionworker, catalogue)
Execute a shell session on the “db” (postgres) container. Two options:
Create a shell for the container
# CONNECT VIA SSH TO THE SERVER cd /datadrive/data/interlink-project/envs/{ENVIRONMENT_NAME} docker container list | grep db docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID} bash
Use portainer:
Clear the databases:
psql postgresql://postgres:changethis@localhost:5432
# once the session is created
DROP DATABASE catalogue_production;
DROP DATABASE coproduction_production;
CREATE DATABASE catalogue_production;
CREATE DATABASE coproduction_production;
# once the session quitted
psql postgresql://postgres:changethis@localhost:5432/coproduction_production -c 'create extension hstore;'
psql postgresql://postgres:changethis@localhost:5432/catalogue_production -c 'create extension hstore;'
Run the workflow from GitHub actions to start the containers and seed the initial data
Restore db backup
Backups are stored in: /datadrive/data/db_backups in .gz file format
# Unzip backup sql and move it to the folder
cd /datadrive/data/db_backups
gzip -d {BACKUP_NAME}
cp {BACKUP_NAME}.sql ../interlink-project/envs/{ENVIRONMENT_NAME}
# Get db container id and execute a shell session
docker container list | grep db
docker cp {BACKUP_NAME}.sql {CONTAINER_ID}:/catalogue.sql
docker cp {BACKUP_NAME}.sql {CONTAINER_ID}:/coproduction.sql
docker exec -it {CONTAINER_ID} bash
# Clear the databases
psql postgresql://postgres:changethis@localhost:5432
DROP DATABASE catalogue_production;
DROP DATABASE coproduction_production;
CREATE DATABASE catalogue_production;
CREATE DATABASE coproduction_production;
psql postgresql://postgres:changethis@localhost:5432/coproduction_production -c 'create extension hstore;'
psql postgresql://postgres:changethis@localhost:5432/catalogue_production -c 'create extension hstore;'
# Import the backups
psql -U postgres -d catalogue_production < catalogue.sql
psql -U postgres -d coproduction_production < coproduction.sql
Seed data
It is runned automatically by the workflows, but if needed, you can execute the seeding script manually.
export ENVIRONMENT={development/demo/mef/varam/zgz}
docker-compose exec -T catalogue ./seed.sh
Set up loomio
In case of being the first launch
docker-compose exec -T loomio rake db:setup